
NSRF – Action 1 – Green Transformation of SMEs: Program budget exhausted

According to the official announcement published on the Competitiveness website, the available budget of Action 1 – Green Transformation for the regions in transition, namely Attica and South Aegean, has been exhausted.

Specifically, the budget for the two aforementioned regions amounts to €66,000,000 with the possibility of a subsidy of €200,001 to €1,000,000 per company.

However, it is worth noting that depending on the course of the evaluation process of the applications that have been submitted, the possibility of finalizing the submission of new funding applications may be activated again, for which a newer announcement will be published.

It is recalled that Action 1 - Green Transformation is part of the set of actions Green Transition of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) with the aim of upgrading businesses and their energy transition. With regard to Action 2 – Green Productive Investment of the same set of NSRF actions, applications remain open until the available budget is exhausted.

See more information on Action 2 – Green Productive Investment in our article Action 2 – Green SME Productive Investment .

As an example, we mention that the eligible costs of Action 1 | Green Transformation SMEs are:

– Buildings, facilities and surrounding area 

– Machinery – equipment

– Green transition equipment (Green category)

– Packaging design services – label – branding and promotion costs

– Consulting services and technical studies

– Means of transport (green transition, mandatory electric)

– Salaries of new employees

The percentage of the grant reaches up to 40% of the investment (special conditions stated in the invitation apply for the western sector of Athens, eastern and western Attica, Piraeus and the islands).

The percentage of the grant can be increased to 50% if green transition costs are carried out to a percentage of at least 20% of the approved budget of the company's investment plan.

Beneficiaries of the program are defined as all existing micro, small and medium enterprises (conditions stated in the official invitation apply)

It is noted that the investment must be completed by the companies, if they are accepted into the program, within 24 months from the date of issuance of the Inclusion Decision.

Green Transformation of SMEs

NSRF – Action 1 – Green Transformation of SMEs: Program budget exhausted

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