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With the new Digital Tools program, they are supported by the resources of the Greece 2.0 Recovery and Resilience Fund, small and medium enterprises throughout Greece in order to modernize their productive, commercial and administrative operation.

Vouchers are provided, the nominal value of which varies from €900 to €18,000 depending on the staff they employ in Unified Work Units (UUs) and which will be allocated to the acquisition, through purchase or lease, of new digital tools, so that businesses can:

  • upgrade the way of communication and collaboration and introduce new forms of hybrid work (hybrid workplace),

  • digitize electronic transactions with customers and partners, including e-commerce,

  • increase the level of security and trust in electronic transactions, through the use of new digital products and services.


  • Is active on the date of submission of the application.
  • They have been established/constituted before 01.01.2022.
  • Mr. KAD is eligible for the KAD driver (not included in non-eligible KAD)
  • During the management year 2021 they employed staff from 0.01 to 250.00 EMU
  • Legal form: S.A., E.P.E., O.E. or Ltd., I.K.E., Social Cooperative Enterprise, Cooperative or Sole Proprietorship
  • They operate legally (licensed)
  • They are not under bankruptcy, liquidation or compulsory administration and no state aid recovery procedure is pending against the company.
  • The total amount of De minimis (de minimis aid) that they have received as a single enterprise, including the aid from this Program, not to exceed the amount of 200,000 euros (or 100,000 euros for the road freight transport sector on behalf of third parties) for the years 2020, 2021, 2022.
  • There are no enforcement actions fine of article 40 of Law 4488/2017


Digital products/services and their additional costs are subsidized, according to the following:


[A] Code[B] Priority[C] Product/service category
A.01.01(1) Improving business operations (2) Collaboration, productivity and remote workCommercial Software Applications / Business Resource management
A.01.02Customer Management & Support Applications (CRM related: Sales, Salesforce Automation, Marketing, Service)
A.01.03Personnel Management Applications, Personnel Training, Personnel Services (HR related)
A.01.04Applications of warehouse management (WMS), order management (Order Management), replenishment of stocks (replenishment)
A.01.05Sales, booking, ordering and invoicing applications (PoS, Booking, Invoicing).
A.01.06Supply chain management applications and tools for the transport and delivery of products/services (routing, tracking, last mile delivery, field service)
A.01.07Asset, hardware or product tracking and management tools (Asset mgt, IoT, RFID)
A.01.08Business Intelligence and data analysis tools (BI, reporting & data analysis tools)
A.01.09Industrial data platform templates and software
A.01.10 A.02.01Cloud Infrastructure Services & cloud Platforms Productivity, communication and collaboration platforms (Cloud Productivity Suites) – only cloud solutions are accepted. Also including document management, workflow and process automation solutions (BPM, RPA, Process automation etc.).
A.02.02Remote working support tools, as long as they are not fully covered by the above productivity platforms.
A.02.03Task, project and portfolio management tools, if not covered by the productivity platforms above
A.02.04Conventional Cloud/Virtual PBX type solutions

[A] Code A.03.01[B] Priority (3) Enhance e-commerce (4) Security and Trust[C] Product/service category E-commerce platforms (selling products or automated provision of services via an electronic platform)
A.03.02Cloud tools for: marketing automation, digital campaign management & customer loyalty
A.03.03Cloud tools/connectors that connect to the online store and increase its functionality (recommendations, reviews, remarketing, chat, etc.)
A.03.04Tools / connectors for connecting to electronic payment systems.
A.03.05 A.04.01Tools/connectors for interfacing with transportation and product delivery services (3PL, couriers, etc.) Security for end users and their devices: Endpoint Protection/EDR, Data Loss Prevention
A.04.02Total security monitoring by a third-party organization/service: SOC service
A.04.03Application and data access security: Identity & Access Management
A.04.04Compliance in data management: data governance/compliance solutions
A.04.05Ensuring business continuity: Cloud Disaster Recovery & Backup solutions/subscriptions
A.04.06Trust in business-to-business transactions: Electronic Signatures


[A] Code[B] Thematic Unit[C] Category product/service[D] Minimum requirements & information[E] Maximum Subsidized Amount
B.00.01Additional ServicesInstallation, configuration, product setupTechnical Services aimed at successful placement in business operation of the core tools (digital products and services) included in the solution≤ 30% on the total subsidy
B.00.02Additional ServicesInformation, educationProvision of information and training services on the basic tools (digital products and services) included in the solution≤ 10% on the total subsidy
B.00.03Additional ServicesConsulting support for Digital TransformationCapture business needs, determine the appropriate composition, propose next steps and digital transformation actions≤ 10% on the total subsidy


Beneficiaries are categorized as follows:

  1. Category 1: 0.01 EMU < μ ≤ 10 EMU → BUY ONE SUBSIDIZED SOLUTION ONLY
  2. Category 2: 10 EMU < μ ≤25 EMU → BUY MORE SUBSIDIZED SOLUTIONS
  3. Category 3: 25 EMU < μ ≤ 40 EMU → BUY MORE SUBSIDIZED SOLUTIONS
  4. Category 4: 40 EMU < μ ≤ 250 EMU → BUY MORE SUBSIDIZED SOLUTIONS

*Subsidized solution: Appropriate combination of one or more digital products/services, as well as complementary services related to the above, which are billed and paid in total in one transaction and are partially subsidized through public funding (voucher redemption)


Program Beneficiaries can procure the subsidized digital services & products directly from the suppliers of their choice. Cases of self-delivery, where the supplier and the beneficiary are the same, are excluded.

Suppliers of digital products/services (providers of Digital Solutions, manufacturers, agents, distributors and importers) in Greece or in member countries of the European Union participate provided that:

  • The supplier has submitted an Application for Participation in the Program, which must be approved
  • The same or another supplier has submitted an Application for approval of the digital product/service to be made available, which has been accepted, and the product/service to be sold has already been included in the unified register of approved digital products/services and is in force (approved).
  • During the transaction, the individual terms and restrictions of the Program regarding the possible combinations of digital products/services (eligible solutions) and expenses (eligibility rules of expenses), the possible maximum limits set and the reasonableness of the costs are observed.
  • The validity of the voucher is confirmed, which is bound and/or redeemed in accordance with the Program's procedures.


  1. 0.01 EMU < μ ≤ 10 EMU  The CATEGORY 1

Applications: 22/6/2022 – 14/9/2022

Implementation: until 30/11/2022

Transitional period: until 30/12/2022

Completion: until 31/01/2023

  1. 10 EMU < μ ≤25 EMU  The CATEGORY 2

Applications: 22/06/2022 – 14/09/2022

Implementation: until 31/03/2023

Transition period: until 28/04/2023

Completion: until 31/05/2023

  1. 25 EMU < μ ≤ 40 EMU  The CATEGORY 3

Applications: 22/06/2022 – 14/09/2022

Implementation: until 31/03/2023

Transition period: until 28/04/2023

Completion: until 31/05/2023

  1. 40 EMU < μ ≤ 250 EMU  The CATEGORY 4

Applications: 22/06/2022 – 14/09/2022

Implementation: until 31/03/2023

Transition period: until 28/04/2023

Completion: until 31/05/2023


Applications: 22/06/2022 – end of program


Business Size (m)Nominal Value Voucher(s) (Maximum aid amount)Maximum eligible spendAmplification intensity
0.01 EMU <μ≤ 5 EMU€900,00€1.000,0090%
5 EME <μ≤ 10 EME€1.800,00€2.000,0090%
10 EME< μ≤18 EME€3.600,00€4.000,0090%
18 EME <μ≤ 25 EME€5.400,00€6.000,0090%
25 EME <μ≤ 32 EME€9.000,00€10.000,0090%
32 EME <μ≤ 40 EME€10.800,00€12.000,0090%
40 EMU <μ≤ 50 EMU€13.500,00€15.000,0090%
50 EMU <μ≤ 250 EMU€18.000,00€ 20.000,0090%

Total budget: 180.000.000 €


Action Title: 16706 – Digital Transformation of SMEs

Business Sizes: SMEs, as defined by the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Definition

Aid scheme: De minimis REGULATION (EU) no. 1407/2013

Operator: "U.A.E. Information Society." – Directorate of State Aid Actions (www.ktpae.gr)

Submissions Support Phone: 2107001420

Submit applications: Online submission of applications to the Electronic Grants Management Platform (EGP) https://beneficiary.digitalsme.gov.gr

Links: https://greece20.gov.gr/?calls=psifiaka-ergaleia-mme

psifiaka ergalia


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