NSRF subsidy
“I have never been subsidized as a business ", a phrase we hear all the time.
Unread emails and lack of time do not allow the entrepreneur and his team to check for subsidies and so on hundreds of thousands of euros are lost which businesses are entitled to. NSRF subsidy
NSRF subsidy
NotiFund is an application that sends notifications about funding that your business may be eligible for, notifications for funding. When you receive a notifund, it means that our system has identified a funding opportunity for you.
NotiFund and our specialized team monitor the most key sectors of the public sector for business activity: NSRF, subsidized programs, debt arrangements, OAED etc. and is near you 365 days a year.
We also update you with emails and articles, but we know that this is not enough – it has not been enough for years. That's why we send them notifunds, notifying you through other applications as well Viber, WhatsApp or simply SMS, so you can find out immediately and definitely on your mobile about the money you can claim for your business. NSRF subsidy
from 240€
- Full access to NotiFund's NSRF software package with all the upgrades it will include
- HELP DESK Working days and hours 9:30 - 17:30
- Access to DARC ACADEMY (educational videos)
The final amount is €148.80
and includes VAT of €28.80

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All information on investments, subsidies, NSRF programs

I already got it NSRF subsidy can i take it again
As long as your business is deemed eligible by the respective program guide – always in accordance with the state aid regime to which it is subject – your business can be subsidized again.
One of the widespread state aid regimes is De Minimis, according to which the total of subsidies approved in the last 3 years to a single enterprise must not exceed €200,000. There are other regimes which set higher ceilings than De Minimis for this and each case must be considered separately.
Therefore, a business can receive a grant again if its business plan is deemed eligible according to the terms of the respective program.
My industry is not eligible NSRF subsidy
NSRF programs are designed to support all types of businesses. All business activities may be considered eligible, depending on the program.
The new NSRF 2021-2027 (Company Agreement in the Development Framework) will focus on channeling resources to the development of the least developed regions. The total public expenditure of the programs, announced by the NSRF 2021-2027, amounts to 26.7 billion. Therefore, it can be easily understood that several industries will be able to be considered eligible in the short term.
Only large companies collect NSRFs
The programs are designed to support investments of all sizes. Anyone who meets the conditions of each program has a high chance of being approved and funded.
Business plans that do not manage to collect the necessary score are deemed ineligible and rejected. It is noted that the criteria, in most cases, are mentioned in the program guides.
With rejection decisions, the reason for rejection is publicly announced. The investor has the right to appeal the result.
Do I need to log into the app every day to see when a new program comes out? NSRF subsidy
NotiFund keeps you updated in your email with articles and news about any new program that appears.
At the same time, it sends you notifications, notifunds, on Viber, WhatsApp and as a message to your mobile phone (sms) when a new program that meets the characteristics of your business comes out.
So you don't have to go in and check, as soon as there is something new you will be notified by e-mail and message immediately. For programs or news about the NSRF and business activity in Greece, you can stay informed from our blog and subscribe to our newsletter.
From there you will receive a notification in your email with the frequency you wish for each new article posted on our blog.
Shouldn't my accountant be informing me?
Accountants are tasked with dozens of tasks pertaining to a business. It is practically impossible for an accountant to monitor and check dozens of businesses at the same time for what they are entitled to from the government.
Also finding all "open" subsidies is not as simplified as it seems. There are several subsidies per sector, some published individually for each region and others that concern all of Greece (common for all regions).
Therefore, an accountant, no matter how good he is, no matter how much he wants to help you and your business, may miss an investment plan publication due to workload.
NotiFund is an excellent utility that increases the chances of not losing a program that may not be detected in time.
The result is that you will lose the opportunity to claim one or more positions in the new NSRF.
I already have a business consultant that I work with and monitors them, what should I do with the application? NSRF subsidy
As in the case of accountants, so also in the case of consultants, NotiFund can become an auxiliary tool for optimizing their services so as not to reduce potential mistakes in monitoring that can "cost" hundreds of thousands of euros that your company did not collect.
The difference between NotiFund and an advisor is that the first application has the technological tools to find investment programs in combination with the human factor who is there to inform, advise and help the interested party.
The specialized Consultant who exclusively monitors a business is essential in any case and it is he who has the responsibility of absolutely certifying that you are eligible for a program that has been proposed to you.
Who gets the NSRFs?
NSRF subsidizes all businesses that meet the necessary conditions found in the conditions of each individual program. But mostly they subsidize those who know that there is the specific program that fits their company profile.
In a few words, the one who is immediately informed about all the new programs that his business may be entitled to gets the NSRA. Anyone who has a NotiFund gets the NSRA. Because if you are eligible and you find out early you can apply. The only sure thing is that if you don't apply, even if you are eligible, you don't get them.
How long does it usually take for the money to arrive in my account? NSRF subsidy
There are specific procedures from the moment you are informed about a program, until you are deemed eligible and the procedures for funding proceed.
There is no rule stipulating the time period for disbursement of the grant. Usually, depending on the region, there is an initial estimate related to the volume of investment plans that will be submitted to the program that interests you.
Another important factor is the correct "image" of the grant file. As long as your project reflects a complete form of envelope, complete with supporting documents, then the grant amount will be disbursed to your bank account shortly.
How skilled a team do you have?
Our team consists of highly experienced executives in monitoring investment programs.
But even this is not enough because in the umbrella that supports our clientele we have Customer Care, Help Desk and experienced executives in other critical areas such as Marketing and Software. It is this combination that makes the team of experienced executives even stronger.
How many companies can I track with one subscription?
Each subscription is "tied" to a professional VAT number to which the basic VAT numbers of the company can be added. Therefore, the license only concerns the monitoring of a business.
In our application, however, you will be able to manage more than one business without having to log in to different accounts.
Do you have a b2b model?
One of the main philosophies of our company is that only through partnerships can a business grow. For a year and a half our team worked hard to design and implement the concept as a whole.
Software is only one part of the effort while there are dozens of other areas that affect its effectiveness. Within this planning, we could not ignore the needs but also the prospects of cooperation with industry professionals.
In case you are interested in a future collaboration, you can fill out the form the interest form and we will be very happy to meet and discuss together with your team.
Do you receive notifunds? NSRF subsidy
NSRF 2021-2027
The 12ththe July 2021 is the most important date for the NSRF 2021-2027, since it concerns the categorical date of submission of the text through the European Commission's SFC2021 platform.
You can find the 2021-2027 PE-ESPA corporate agreement here: https://www.espa.gr/el/Documents/2127/Etairiko_Symfwno_Perifereiakis_Anaptyxis_2021-2027.pdf
The new NSRF has set 5 simplified objectives to be implemented and they concern:
- Innovative and smart economic transformation through "Smarter Europe"
- The immediate energy transition through "Greener Europe"
- The best connected Europe with main reference to ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
- Focus on the Social Rights Pillar
- A Europe close to the citizens
In NSRF 21-27, simpler procedures for the payment of expenses will be observed, with the aim of combating red tape. Simplified Eligible Expenditure (SCO) options will be included.
The lower EU co-financing thresholds are distributed as follows:
- 70% in less developed regions, Outermost regions, Cohesion Fund & Interreg
- 55% Transition regions
- 40% More developed regions
The total public expenditure of the programs to be announced by the NSRF 2021-2027 amount to €26.2 billion, while the total community participation amounts to €20.9 billion.
Below are the Sectoral Programs with the corresponding amounts of Public Expenditure:
- "Competitiveness-Entrepreneurship-Innovation" program, with a budget of €4,117,370,989. It focuses on Industry 4.0, SME Clusters, improving employee skills & supporting entrepreneurship through the use of mechanisms.
- "Digital Transformation" program, with a total budget of €637,898,862. It focuses on the digital transformation of the public sector.
- "Environment-Energy-Climate Change" program, with a budget of €3,769,210,516
- "Transport Infrastructures" Program: DD 2,313,798,223 € with priority on sustainable investments in transport infrastructures.
- Program "Human Resources Development-Education and Lifelong Learning": DD 4,410,656,859 € with priority implementation of actions against poverty and social exclusion. Reinforcement of actions for education, public health & professional training.
- "Political Protection" program, with a DD of €756,956,959
- "Just Development Transition" program, with a DD of €1,617,716,955 for the regions of Western Macedonia and Megalopolis (lignite de-addiction areas).
- "European Territorial Cooperation" programs (see today's Interreg)
- "Fisheries and the Sea" program with a budget of €468,744,879
- "Technical Assistance" program with a total budget of €433,944,275
PEP: Regional Programs
33,33% of the new period's total resources are allocated in an effort to fight the crisis that existed in previous years, the intra-regional inequalities and exploit the production potential of the Regions.
The distribution of regions is as follows:
- Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace: €604,933,191
- Region of Central Macedonia: €1,363,116,124
- Region of Western Macedonia: €373,042,135
- Region of Thessaly: €524,275,431
- Region of Epirus: €403,288,795
- North Aegean Region: €373,042,135
- South Aegean Region: €357,360,855
- Region of Crete: €534,357,651
- Region of the Ionian Islands: €272,219,935
- Region of Central Greece: €403,288,795
- Region of Western Greece: €594,850,970
- Region of Attica: €2,025,044,839
- Peloponnese Region: €388,165,465
What is NSRF?
The NSRF or Enterprise Agreement in the Development Framework, which is always accompanied by a six-year implementation period (such as: 2007-2013, 2014-2020, 2021-2027), is the main strategic plan for the recovery of the regions of Greece. In order to achieve this recovery, the European Structural and Investment Funds of the European Union, otherwise known as ESIF, are helping.
During the implementation of the NSRF, through the guides of the programs, all the needs that arise are reflected, in order for the country to get back on its feet and face the economic and social crisis that we have been going through in recent years.
But what was happening before the NSRF?
Before 1981 for the period: 1976-1981, all public investments were financed purely from national resources.
In 1981 Greece joined the European Community.
From 1982 until 1987, the first phase of the Community regional policy was created. There we meet the well-known at that time IOP (Mediterranean Integrated Programmes) with an opening date of 1985. The total budget for the IOP was 2,101,933 thousand ECU in 1986 prices.
In the second phase, which starts from 1988, the goal of economic and social cohesion is included in the ESA (single European act).
Thus, after the above reform, the A CSF (Community Support Framework) was created with a duration from 1989 to 1993. The objectives of the CSF were achieved with 12 sectoral & 13 regional programs. The total amount allocated was ECU 15.5 billion.
Then, the time period from 1994 to 1999 is associated with the B CSF. The total made available was 29.72 billion ECU and was distributed in five development axes.
Finally, for the period from 2000 to 2006, there is support from the European Union's Structural Funds (Structural Funds) in accordance with the European Regional Policy and the formulation of the 3rd CSF. The total made available amounted to 48.30 billion Euros.
Do you receive notifunds?
THE NotiFund is a funding tracking service, a system that includes an application that sends notifications for funding that your business may be eligible for, funding notifications. When you receive a notifund, it means that our system has identified a funding opportunity for you.
NotiFund and our specialized team monitor the most key sectors of the Government for business activity: NSRF, Recovery Fund, DYPA (OAED), subsidized programs, debt arrangements etc. and is near you 365 days a year.
We also keep you updated with emails and articles, but we know that's not enough – it hasn't been enough for years. That's why we send them notifunds, notifying you through other applications as well, such as Viber, WhatsApp or even with simple SMS, so you can find out immediately and definitely on your mobile about the money you can claim for your business.
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notifad notifant notfan nofound notifant notifan nofound nofant notifound notfund Naughty fan nonfund nonfund nonfand nofand notfound NSPA ESPA EPSA EPSA naughty fun epidotisi epixorigisi subsidy subsidy