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Program "Development of Digital Products and Services" for small and medium-sized enterprises in the sector of digital technologies - Application deadline: 30/09/2022

The "Development of Digital Products and Services" Program supports investment plans for the development of new products and services that fall within the IT and communications sector.

Aid will cover:

  • Preparatory activities (market research, feasibility study etc.)
  • Development activities of new digital products/services,
  • Complementary commercial exploitation activities of new products and services.


Small and medium-sized enterprises that are eligible for financing must have a KAD of the IT and Communications sector and have one of the following legal forms: S.A., L.P.E., O.E. or Et.E., I.K.E. , Social Cooperative Enterprise, Cooperative or Sole Proprietorship. In addition:

  • That they are not in bankruptcy, liquidation or forced administration and that no state aid recovery procedure is pending against them.
  • Have not received rescue or restructuring aid or have received rescue aid and have repaid the loan or terminated the guarantee agreement or have received restructuring aid and are not yet subject to a restructuring plan
  • They must not be problematic businesses
  • That they have not been fined for labor law violations (high seriousness, undeclared work)


The investment projects that are supported are related to design, development and commercial exploitation new, innovative and digital products and services which should be based on modern technologies.

Eligible costs are broken down as follows:

  •  KD1 – Personnel expenses (up to 40% of the budget)
  •  KD2 – Third Party Services (up to 50% of the budget)
  •  KD3 – Additional overheads (up to 15% of the budget)
  •  KD4 – Expenditure on instruments & equipment (up to 20% of the budget)

Projects eligible under the Program must have a budget of €200.000,00 up to €2.000.000,00.

The amount of the aid is determined based on:

  • The size of the business,
  • The type of activities and eligible costs,
  • the aid limits of the G.A.K.,


The peculiarity of the program is that the beneficiary will have to prove that he owns the private participation, i.e. the capital that is not subsidized and is required to complete the investment.

The action is implemented within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0" with funding from the European Union

Total budget: €100.000.000,00 €

Program Title: Development of Digital Products and Services

Action Title: 16706 – Digital Transformation of SMEs

Business Sizes: SMEs, as defined by the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Definition

Aid scheme: General Exemption Regulation

Operator: "U.A.E. Information Society." – Directorate of State Aid Actions (www.ktpae.gr)

Submissions Support Phone: 2107001420

Submit applications: Online submission of applications to the Electronic Grants Management Platform (EGP)

Links: https://greece20.gov.gr/?calls=programma-anaptyxi-psifiakon-proionton-kai-ypiresion

anaptiksi psifiakwn proiontwn

Program "Development of Digital Products and Services" for small and medium-sized enterprises in the sector of digital technologies - Application deadline: 30/09/2022

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