
Consulting for consultants

His desire to participate in an investment program is not enough by itself. Needs information and guidance. With the announcement of each program, we receive information on the availability of financial resources.

His desire to participate in an investment program is not enough by itself. Needs information and guidance. With the announcement of each program, we receive information on the availability of financial resources. At an earlier stage, however, we need an expert, who will provide us with the information.

The major disadvantage of external consultants is the incorrect allocation of time and the large volume of clients.

The result?

Repeatedly observed the phenomenon of lack of customized information from the advisers to the clients, in an integrated framework that is consistent with the investment program in accordance with the applicable legislation. 

When submitting the data, in order for an investment plan to be included in an investment program, the consultant and/or the accountant who will carry out the submission stage, should be particularly careful with recording the data of the natural or legal person, as once the submission is complete, the application cannot be modified until the end of the evaluation stage. Any small mistake can become so important that it deprives the business plan of inclusion.

When publishing a program guide, a proper understanding of the concepts of the guide should be carried out. For the success of this process, it is necessary to submit questions several times through the Helpdesk (PSKE), when it concerns technical issues, while questions submitted to the management body, concern issues that usually arise during submission and implementation (administrative and on-site control). .

It is noted that for direct communication, the interested party is required to have a minimum knowledge of the basic interpretations, so that the question is targeted.

businessmen teamwork meeting to discuss the invest 2021 09 03 01 33 32 utc

Consulting for consultants

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