
DYPA: Youth entrepreneurship program with €14,800 subsidy (2nd Cycle) OAED

The youth entrepreneurship program of DYPA (formerly OAED) returns with its second implementation cycle with the aim of subsidizing young people aged 18-29 to start a business.

Emphasis is placed on promoting youth self-employment through the creation of sustainable businesses and the digital economy.

The action is expected to benefit 1,500 young people, who will receive within 12 months, through 3 installments a total of €14,800, in order to financially support their new professional venture. Beneficiaries of the program are all young unemployed people between the ages of 18 and 29 who are registered in the DYPA register and are not students.

How the subsidy of €14,800 will be paid to the beneficiaries

1st installment: €4,000, paid after the start of activity at DOU
2nd installment: €5,400, paid after the end of the 1st semester from the start
3rd installment: €5,400, paid after the end of the second semester from the start

The program is financed by the Greek State and the European Social Fund - Youth Employment Initiative within the Operational Program "Human Resource Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020" and its total budget amounts to €45,000,000.

The application process has started from Monday 13 February 2023, with a closing date of Monday 13 March 2023.

To find out more about the action and submit your application, contact NotiFund's business advisors directly.


DYPA: Youth entrepreneurship program with €14,800 subsidy (2nd Cycle) OAED

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